When you feel unwell, what do you do?
Do you think of illness as an inconvenience, a problem to be solved as quickly as possible? Do you turn to external sources to fix it? The question we seldom ask is: why is this happening in the first place?
Life Alignment is a revolutionary method of vibrational medicine that, while observing the symptoms, asks: what is the root cause? A good question, but who knows the answer?
Visiting your library
Imagine that every breath you have ever taken, every thought, feeling, sight, sound, smell, touch, are recorded in files held in a vast ‘database’: your subconscious mind. You want to know which memories, which painful feelings, which negative thought patterns are disrupting your body’s healthy functioning.
Who is the only person on the Planet who was present at every breath you ever breathed? You! Only you know the root cause of your symptoms. You know on which page, in which file lies hidden the story that has developed into a physical condition.
How do I find the story?
Your higher consciousness – or higher Self – knows what’s happening in every one of your trillions of cells and which memories are in which files. Using a muscle testing technique, your higher Self indicates both the emotional issue that needs resolving, and precisely where in your body you are holding that memory.
What happens in a Life Alignment balance?
You lie comfortably, fully clothed, on a treatment table, and I ask your higher Self to show me what is the priority. From a 3000-word Emotional Patterns list, I dowse for one or more word-clues that point to the issue, and from a detailed list of hundreds of body points I am shown precisely where your body is holding the ‘story’.
I help you connect to the memory, process, and release the negative beliefs and painful feelings. Using energy coming through my hands, and Vortex cards to open ‘doorways’ into your energy field, old fears, anger and grief from the past are released energetically from your bodymind, leaving you feeling more confident and at peace with your Self – and the world. (See Vortex Technology)
When we let go of our old, repetitive patterns, the body is powered up ready to heal itself.
Life Alignment for daily life
A key aspect of Life Alignment is the environment. Visit for additional ways to apply Life Alignment techniques to clear your home of toxic energies, increase productivity and prosperity in a business or organisation, discover what you need to manifest to move forward in your life, or find a Life Alignment practitioner in your area.